The Reality of Entrepreneurship: The Hard Work Behind the Success

The Reality of Entrepreneurship: The Hard Work Behind the Success

The Reality of Entrepreneurship: The Hard Work Behind the Success

When people see a successful entrepreneur, they often assume they got lucky or that their journey was easy. What they don’t see are the long nights, the countless hours of trial and error, and the relentless dedication it takes to build something from the ground up.

I know this firsthand. In the early days of my business, I was the one sourcing suppliers, tweaking recipes while my daughter napped, researching and testing ingredients that didn’t work, packing and labeling products, and spending hours doing demos, on calls and meetings with potential customers and not get me started on 'free fills' 'listing fees' and cash flow!  My young daughter was even my bag sealer and labeler at times!!

Once we moved into a warehouse, I became the mixer, the packager, the labeler, and the one handling social media. The workload was immense, but I was determined to see my vision through. And then there were the painful lessons—like the employee and shareholder who stole my recipes and some customers and started their own brand. The betrayal stung, and the legal fees were staggering. But through that experience, I learned the value of strong non-disclosure agreements, non-compete contracts, and, most importantly, keeping a close eye on my own books. Every hard knock is a lesson, and if you don’t learn it the first time, life has a way of making sure it comes around again.  Did I think about quiting?  Yep there were lots of times I thought about quiting.  Lots of times where the stress was unbearable.  But you have to just put you head down and get through it.  

The best advice I can give is to get  mentor in your field.  Our mentor was absolutly amazing and saved us from doing some dumb stuff.  Also read books on business and take little courses on the things you need to know.  Currently I am taking a marketing course and it has been a game changer!

I remember after Dragons’ Den, someone reached out to me, and when I called him back, he was genuinely shocked. When I asked why, he said, “I just assumed your assistant would call me.” I burst out laughing and told him, “Well, I don’t have one, but I wish I did!” If only he could have seen me at that moment—juggling a toddler, packaging tea, preparing for demos at local grocery stores, and basically running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

But over time, things evolved. I was able to bring on a mixer and packagers, transition to printed bags and boxes, hire an amazing bookkeeper, and finally—finally—hire the most incredible assistant. As someone with a bit of ADHD, having an organized right-hand person has been life-changing!

Now, I have a dream team. We have solid systems in place, a business that’s thriving, and we’re gearing up for our biggest year yet. And after 18 years in this industry, I’m finally able to focus on what I truly love—marketing and product development.

There’s nothing more exhilarating than working in your zone and being surrounded by a team of kind, honest, and fun people. Seeing something you created flourish is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. It wasn’t luck that got me here—it was resilience, hard work, and a deep passion for what I do AND NEVER giving up.  And if you’re in the trenches right now, just know that every struggle is shaping you for the success that’s coming. Keep going!

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